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Presidential Politcs: The Wives Have It


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Everyone thought they knew why Kerry wasn't elected President. It had nothing to do with hanging chads. He didn't win because of his wife.

Take a long look at the presidential hopefuls and you'll be able to tell right away who won't be going to an inaugural ball in '08.

Guiliani is no go. Look at his wife, the third one. Not a chance in a frozen hell she'll ever walk into the White House as a First Lady.

Clinton is not going to happen. There is no wife. And we are simply not ready for Bill to be entertaining the ladies at a State dinner.

Thompson is not even a possibility. With a wife who looks like a Playboy Bunny--but is 30 years his junior, we can only say '''eeuuww'.

B. Hussein Obama is not happening. His thoroughly annoying wife already, quite articulately, cried racism and that was a huge mistake.

Romney may get close--unless his wife dies. America is not ready for a President who dates. Been there, done that with Bill.

Forget the candidate. Look at the spouse and then you'll know who our next president will be. Gonna' be tough to replace Laura.

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