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Everything posted by lockmat

  1. Both of you are assuming gender. Way behind the times. He's a he. And this tower is amazing.
  2. Considering the landmass is almost half the size of downtown, I'd say that's pretty fast.
  3. Maybe Randall is just there for the money and not involved in design? He's not even listed as part of the team: http://dcpartnersusa.com/our-team/
  4. Looking at this and then the conceptual plan for all phases makes you better realize just how ginormous this entire project is. Wow.
  5. The architecture was decent. I would have liked it better if it wasn't enclosed and had a view of outside the stadium.
  6. I don't like the ballpark in Arlington for a few reasons. One, once you're inside, you feel like you're in a box; can't see anything outside the stadium. Two, it's in the middle of a gigantic parking lot with nothing nearby. Only way to access it is by car.
  7. Probably, yeah. Two giveaways, lots of curves and foliage.
  8. Sweet. But I'm just wondering if this project possibly being axed is a lagging indicator that development is slowing down. The possible cancellation could be the result of a million things. Just speculating.
  9. What will be the "10 cool things about Houston the 00's" in 30 years?
  10. I've been out of the loop for a long time now, not keeping up with new projects like I used to, but it feels like we haven't had many new projects announced (I know a few have started recently). Are things slowing down? I know this project is a horrible barometer for health of new developments.
  11. Maybe it's not a huge factor, but across the street is that corner store and that block does not have a shortage of homeless people.
  12. Dido on changing the exterior. The Summit looks better from the outside than TC. More glass allowing pedestrians to see what's going on inside.
  13. I rooted for the Titans until we have got the Texans, but if I'm honest, there's still a tiny piece of my heart that is still with the Titans, very tiny. I was a kid when they moved and Bud Adams didn't mean anything to me, I was a fan of the team. If you're best friend moves to another city do you stop being their friend? 'course not.
  14. Considering this is an urban area destined for highrises, the Cosmo residents have very little to complaint about their view being blocked. This is a very accompanying design. I give it two thumbs up.
  15. You'll be a blessed man if you do this Urby, something I requested like a decade ago. The project address and/or intersection would also be helpful.
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