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Everything posted by Latetotheparty

  1. i was there from 1972-1975 ...... when it was still lanier junior high school..... (7th, 8th and 9th grades)...... have memories of a few teachers, but the only ones whose names comes to mind at the moment are Mr. Mooney .... he taught music.... and Mrs. Ayers, who taugth 7th grade English..... think she retired right after I survived her class. I also remember a French teacher who taught us French with a REALLY thick East Texas accent and a history teacher whose name I think was Mr. Jones (?)...... oh ... and an art teacher named Mrs. Claypool. this was long before middle schools and vanguard programs..... and back when the teachers were still allowed to give misbehaving students (boys mostly) "pops." Towards the very end of the year, the 9th graders had a "formal" day .... girls wore long, prom-type dresses and boys wore tuxes..... and yep, our sports teams were the purple pups, but don't think we had year books for junior high at the time..... think i might still have a school newspaper or two somewhere.....
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