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  1. Does anyone have any tips if I wanted to find out the history of my home in Houston? By history I mean: date built, architect, architect style, builder, previous owners, original photos or photos throughout the years, any historical significance to the home, the area, etc. As a person who thinks more people should have a fondness for rehabbing/renovating older homes vs. demolishing them and building 'mc mansions', I think it would be kinda cool to compile some info on my house (or my parents, or friends as a gift idea) and display it in a frame on a wall or in a book in my/their house. Anyway, didn't know if any of you have done this before. I assume this would require searching previous title records/abstracts, checking city directories (which ones?), calling previous owners, etc. but I think it would be a fun project. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
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