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Everything posted by sapo2367

  1. If you’re worried about toxic chemicals leeching into the soil in Houston, you got lot bigger problems than some solar panels in a field 🤣
  2. I'll second this, the school, daycare and MKT all draw a lot of traffic to 8th street -- nothing to do with the 11th street re-do.
  3. I've been keeping an eye on this as I bike by on the trail -- I don't think its energized yet, last I saw they were working on the connection to the substation. FYI I think it is related to this project down at the TMC https://www.centerpointenergy.com/en-us/corporate/about-us/news/1626
  4. "Congestion increases the cost and delivery time of commodities such as Amazon deliveries groceries and commercial goods," a TxDOT official said during the presentation. Glad that TxDOT's priorities are clear.
  5. I mean, they were directly opposed to the project prior to construction (as evidenced by earlier posts in this thread). I don't think its a stretch to conclude they still aren't fans and have used the change in leadership as an opportunity to get what they want. I should be clear I think its probably influential congregants, not the church itself (although they did pretty publicly use their church sign to oppose it). 11th st is the same -- someone has Whitmire's ear and has a vendetta against non-car related infrastructure in their neighborhood.
  6. I think some influential people (read donors with a lot of $$$) attend that church and are pushing hard against this project. I doubt the mayor’s office actually cares all that much one way or the other, but is probably doing a favor to someone who has had it out for the street improvements since they were announced
  7. Love their optimism of the rendering of the trail under the highway. I'm pumped for this trail but those underpasses get gross looking real quick
  8. From the IG account BigDumbTruckClub — but very applicable here
  9. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/transportation/article/houston-heights-11th-street-redesign-18366497.php Houston removes bus islands after complaints from city's worst motorists The floating concrete bus stops at 11th Street in the Heights have been demolished following complaints from large vehicle motorists and an ensuing safety inspection.
  10. Sad news, hopefully this can be restarted if the funding appears. Also we need to change this title -- I keep thinking there is good news and then I read the post.
  11. The old brick street is showing through — they should just bring this back :) will definitely help with traffic calming
  12. Love the idea of an elevated bikeway over the bayou banks to get to Memorial Park -- would be a super cool feature and would in itself draw people to the trail. I also hope that the Bayou Bend is included on the trail. My dream would be to see that bridge across the bayou opened to regular bike/walk traffic and have the trail connect down into River Oaks. Ofc this won't happen b/c too many wealthy people would have to deal with the scourge of bicycles and walkers outside of their houses (the horror!).
  13. My prediction -- surface parking lot 😪 Its like a block from where the new I45 reroute will go so I wonder if whoever buys it will wait for that project to complete before really doing something with the property.
  14. Its amazing to me how poorly people understand the size of their vehicles.
  15. Here's my guess -- I have a feeling Brenners on the Bayou will try to avoid having the trail run between the restaurant and the bayou
  16. I found this article really interesting. Talking about how both of the leading candidates are basically in the twilight of their political careers, and how that differs from Houston being such a young and dynamic city. https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/houston-mayor-election-whitmire-jackson-lee/
  17. I'm noticing that some of the plats are bigger than the houses they have initially built (for ex plats 15-19 in the photo above). I wonder if their original idea was to work up to larger, more expensive houses but with interest rates higher they want to instead sell more smaller ones instead. Side note, I toured one of the existing houses a while ago. They are SKINNY. Its basically enough width to fit one car and a stairwell.
  18. Checking the Houston bike plan map, it does look like they will go under 59 on the south bank https://mycity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4b5467e117d0459b84e2f2e94ba4fdc2&extent=-10619481.073%2C3470289.6806%2C-10609291.0617%2C3475071.7722%2C102100
  19. Even just connecting down commerce st to the austin street bike trail would be a win, that part can be very sketchy to ride -- especially during rush hour or if there is a game at MMP. But I agree,
  20. Reviving the East End Bike Plan's rendering of this section https://hcp2.com/Portals/53/Documents/East-End-Bike-Plan.pdf?ver=r5pu7xOxwiNABOoQ7xsk0Q%3d%3d
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