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Everything posted by ZRFkris

  1. Might make it the tallest or second tallest building on this side of the Williams we will see how it comes out fingers crossed for this and McNair and further redevelopment of the Richmond corridor in Uptown.
  2. I really hope that they follow through with the two towers, I feel like it would really elevate the area, even though it is nice already, but adding some luxury residential would raise the demand for more fine restaurants and shops; taking our Chinatown up a level.
  3. We also have Northside and Eastside, buffalo bayou(nerlartown to some) but either way if you compare us to somewhere like Atlanta I think we should stick with Midtown for the entirety of the area and let Midtown be grand.
  4. Okay I think it should just be midtown, I like the thought of having downtown, midtown, university park and then Texas medical center and then NRG we don’t need more sub districts along this line we already have so many.
  5. I can’t wait until the the highway project correlates with this project. Next level, plus a double whammy for the Museum Park neighborhood.
  6. Good infill. Personally I like the look of it, it fits in with surrounding area. We only need a handful of glass towers in the area in the future.
  7. Arabella was such a let down, this project has redeemed the residential high rise in uptown. Arabella is still cool but more of a what if. Sand storm looks wild in this photo.
  8. Previous posts have the floor counts as 51, 33, and 18. Same rendering I hope it makes it.
  9. I think it would be really cool to have another high rise development on the Dillard’s lot. This would really frame the Williams tower nicely along with this development.
  10. Both stadiums are incredible and the size of them truly remarkable. Pretty hard to justify any negative remarks about either stadium unless you don’t know about college football. Sorry but Texas has great stadiums! AT&T, NRG, DKR, and Kyle Field.
  11. Okay nvm lol I went to high school with a couple of Cuevas from Wharton that’s all.
  12. I feel like this is a legacy development still and I think they will still build it.
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