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Everything posted by HoustonHolly

  1. We are in the final stages of putting an offer on either a house zoned to Harvard but right near studewood (so across the street is the Travis zone). My daughter already got into the vanguard at Travis and we were thrilled because we loved that school. However now that we will be in Harvard neighborhood I'm torn about what to do. And I actually prefer my neighborhood better and the access to walkable things. But I've been smitten with Travis since I began touring years ago. My heart wants to send her to Travis but I worry about my other two kids getting in. but their backup is Harvard which is hardly a backup, but more of an inconvenience. However, I don't know that much about Harvard and would love to hear the major differences between the two. My child is GT and I want to make sure she is getting more specialized instruction at that level hence I think Travis. But husband thinks neighborhood school. Thoughts?
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