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  1. The Italian Beef House on the Gulf Freeway- best pizza ever. I can still recall the taste. My mom used to do their liquor licenses and book keeping. I used to sit at the bar and eat marischino cherries. Good times...
  2. The Edgebrook Del Taco has never been a KFC. KFC was down the street next to Taco Bell. It did sit empty for a while and about 3 yrs ago was renovated and is now a Mexican seafood place. Taco Bell is a dentist office, KFC is a Taconmadre food truck (but they use the kitchen for food prep. The old Monterey House has been Casarez for almost 20 years and the old Burger Mountain Soda Fountain has been the Longhorn Cafe, Prarie Dogs, an Italian restaurant that I can't remember the name and is now a Mexican food restaurant. I'm a lifetime resident of the neighborhood (43 yrs & my parents before that) so I've seen them all come and go!
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