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Status Updates posted by theonlylars

  1. @ishabazz @KWarren you guys do know “liquid damage” still isn’t covered under warranty, right? https://t.co/mGE1Rxlfvj

  2. @KWarren I don’t see any raindrops on that screenshot. Liar!

  3. @ThisIsDIM legendary marks -> materials -> faction rep

  4. Most of my day since upgrading to Xcode 8 is spent waiting for auto-complete/highlighting to reboot, or manually looking up symbol names

  5. RT @AndreaRussett: bff goals ⭐️ https://t.co/umZbnaKJh0

  6. @ThisIsDIM i noticed this last night when I was just visually comparing them to some of my known 100% gear with same properties

  7. @DarkSkyApp my app is no longer making the custom DarkSky notification sounds, just default sound. Did that change, or is it my phone?

  8. @caamorales Our storyboards also all broke. I guess this now has to be part of our workflow before we build/run? https://t.co/hsg0u0rcLp

  9. Swift 3.0 fell completely on its face with this project. Having to do suggestions line-by-line one at a time

  10. @kapeli @KWarren to be clear, i’ve never had a problem with any of the icons

  11. [citation needed] I didn’t come up with this, just heard it somewhere.

  12. “One-step setup of your headphones for all of your apple devices” *looks around at 13 iPhones and iPads on desk*

  13. I don’t go on YouTube to *read* videos

  14. @guardtheater @DestinLegarie @Yann_Guillemot I know for a fact you got a pic of me

  15. Huge shout out to @Professorbroman for hosting our panel at #DestinyCC16! @htr_xorth @ThisIsDIM @chrisfried @LoadoutsApp

  16. RT @danielpunkass: I'm only so negative about how everything is because I'm so positive about how everything could be.

  17. The ironic sunset of an app called “Sunrise” is almost upon us https://t.co/JdMDtWtxES

  18. @saibot @steipete Now that I think about it, I would never get a job anywhere if I were judged on my TeX source

  19. RT @nickjshearer: I did that thing again when you google for a solution, and the StackOverflow question you find was answered by yourself f…

  20. RT @Learn_Things: BOOM! @AstroKatie https://t.co/ynJWVqeyxT

  21. Medicine 2016, everyone: Me: “What do I need to do to transfer my records here?” Office: “You’ll need to bring them with you. Or fax them.”

  22. Guys, we’re living out Plague, Inc in real life https://t.co/aAXn9q6yl9

  23. Current status https://t.co/Mjzg6HKglv

  24. @canispater you can buy deadbolts that are tapered on the end to help with that

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