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Everything posted by mgardemal

  1. 1766 Pasadena Avenue I was told by the last owning relative that the house and accompanying 100 acres were a gift to the retiring President of Northern and Southern Pacific railroad in 1911. The Houston attorney was born in San Jacinto, Texas and was named Robert Lovett. He imagined the development as the new River Oaks with the Wortham Golf Course adjacent. He married into the Abercrombie family and moved on... see Wikipedia for more on him... The flood plain areas were developed into the cemetery and Soldier's Rest sits at the peak and bend of Brays Bayou. The site is final home to many of our bravest from the 1920's. The Great Depression redesigned the 1 acre tracts to smaller homesteads and created garden yards that are 175-200 ft depth for growing victory gardens popular in the wars. I toured the home from basement to attic and the bevel leaded glass dome over the mahogany staircase sits under the skylight. If I ever get the funding, I will restore it... It deserves it... Truly majestic...
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