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Everything posted by Luminare

  1. Ohhh so thats what this is going to be. I was driving into greenway plaza this morning and saw all the demolition and didn't know what was up. The new development isn't to shabby at all. I would certainly like to see the site plan and a couple more renderings though. Edit: And finally a developer with common sense to orient the building away from the highway! Fantastic
  2. Now this is what I'm talking about! Now if only they could put something on top of that roof and reduce the heat island effect. Thats the only thing bad about this idea. You get a few more of those and that neighborhood is going to heat up in more ways than one lol.
  3. It certainly does have a Miami vibe to it. Just like that there is something different to it. We need more infill like this and not so much superblock infill. Thats how you get a very diverse and interesting cityscape.
  4. So my opinions on this have been mixed. We are the 4th, going to be the 3rd, largest city in the US....we should always have a nice theme park. However, I think the design looks VERY VERY tacky x.x omg its soooooo tacky! I mean sure thats what I theme park is suppose to be. A theme park is an exaggeration of reality so you can do just that...escape from reality, but this is kinda blahhhhh. Whats missing are other themes that would clearly define houston apart from any other. Where is the space theme? Where is an energy theme? Where is a big city theme? I would hope that this design will mature more and maybe tone some stuff down and include more variety in future expansions.
  5. Anything on this project as of late? I just found a pic in the May 2014 update of the development plan that really got me excited. I would think by this point that the design phase would at least be coming to a close.
  6. This will be a nice addition to the area and should spark some nice development in the heights. It gets annoying when people use luxury in every single apartment -.- From the looks of the building though it will be at least in the affordable range. If people are going to build in the Heights area they need to make it to where blocks that go up need to be affordable to the kind of people who live in that neighborhood.
  7. I actually like the reflection on the tower down the street. Nice touch. Little stuff like that is always nice. Also...dat green roof
  8. Well while I think we have way to many parking structures in this town already. its way better than low use surface lot! What they should do more is put them more on the periphery of downtown that way it gets people to walk a little more at street level.
  9. Even though I thought this project was a wasted opportunity to lock in a large retail anchor, I'm glad this project is pretty nice and is really moving along.
  10. Was on a walk this afternoon and saw that one of the cranes was disassembling itself I'm going to guess they have reached the mark!
  11. In all honestly we really should at some point get away from so much activity facing the frontage roads. The city of Houston should have established a large bufferzone between the highway and developments along the freeway to help with general noise control, views, traffic on the frontage roads themselves, and put more importance on inner streets instead of making the highways de facto main streets (which isn't what a highway is suppose to do). Anyway getting off topic, sorta, like the idea of a forest buffer and a growing connection between city centre and memorial. Memorial however needs to determine an urban core. It still looks way to attached to the highway and is still a sea of parking lots.
  12. All this development is wonderful! I really should get down there more often. Now if only they moved the Pierce Elevated to 59 and trench both of those over there.....that would be amazing. Then you would have Downtown connect to this development seamlessly as well as future development of the Bayou East (of course you would still have to have 59/45 go over the water in that area (which you could also make a nice bridge for that as well)).
  13. Hmmm really curious who is doing this new Hollywood Hills development thats apparently in the background. For years we have had very little to zero changes in elevation. pfffft thats so last century why not build our own xD !
  14. From what it seems it looks like all the things you stated above are going to fall onto the laps of each district in Houston. Upper Kirby is an example of a community which knows what they want and have set out to try and get it. I've said this in another post. Rome wasn't built in a day. It's going to take quite a while for Houston to get the uber-super-cool architecture. You need a good influx of people first. Unless you are the King of Dubai with lots of money to throw around then you aren't really going to attract high class architects/developers to produce "signature" architecture. Not to mention its not the developers job (although you would wish they would consider it) to think always about the community. They are here to make money. What moves the needle is the client, how much he can spend, the city, the district, and the citizens who live there. Lets just watch the infill grow and then everything that has been stated above will work its way in. It would be awesome if we could master plan all of this before had, but you have to have a market for it first! Now trust me I get disappointed by some of these exact things that you have discussed and have been discussed in this thread, but that doesn't mean it can't change in the future or we ourselves as citizens can't take action ourselves.
  15. Hmm while Randall Davis buildings do come off a bit tacky for some reason I actually like this one. It has a nice blend of Art Deco and Art Moderne. I'll admit that I'm a huge sucker for Art Deco and while recently some Art Deco projects have felt a little forced in how they were implemented. I would love to see a revival of Art Deco in general. Maybe a Neo-Deco. I just think that the aesthetic fits with Houston so well.
  16. Well we are going to have to keep a very close watch on our unique modernist friend. With this building going up and the developments at Levy Park a lot of these "box on piloti" architecture that we have (which is very dense collection of them) might vanish if we don't pay attention.
  17. Wow I'm impressed with the initiative the people in this part of town are into making this place better overall. Now we just need the others to get in gear and help the city out!
  18. Honestly though every developer and even most architects forget about the backsides of buildings :/ So sad and depressing
  19. well unfortunately that isnt to improve the road....its to improve whats underground thats even worse than the actual road lol. Didn't know thats where that money came from. Thanks
  20. Kirby is the one area of town that I'm pretty excited about. Still has its large surface parking lots and small tenant buildings, but it is certainly growing. Houston also did a smart thing early on (unlike westheimer) and repaved the whole thing and improved the walkability of it all. The only thing they need to do now is come up with some proper graphics, more street art, and large media type stuff that can really make this area stand out. Along with lots a denser buildings of course lol.
  21. Very convenient that "Sky-guy" says that "Skyhouse" don't look alike lol. Just kiddin. They are almost exactly alike except one is a tad taller and the roofs are different...
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