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Everything posted by EllenOlenska

  1. This is fascinating. I'm glad I clicked on it. This is the first thing that pops up when you start googling it, so it's no help--https://blog.chron.com/bayoucityhistory/2012/04/dome-of-the-month-bullfighting-under-the-roof/.
  2. I wouldn't be so naive as to not think there'll be bad dudes buying the condos
  3. Reminds me of the fire in the parking garage at UH a few months back.
  4. With all that parking it's more like generations on the drive. I'll see myself out.
  5. Just that Woolf loved her semicolons. "Percival has died; (he died in Egypt; he died in Greece; all deaths are one death). Susan has children; Neville mounts rapidly to the conspicuous heights." That sort of thing, she (and a lot of authors of the period) broke up what we'd think of as phrases and clauses into separate sentences (though, in my example from The Waves, those are mostly just short simple sentences.)
  6. Hell, I might say downtown is everything downtown except the portion east of Main and south of Dallas, which includes this building.
  7. Another Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning, eh? Would be nice.
  8. Is that a track on (or near) the highway and not on Washington?
  9. It's especially odd when its near a bunch of empty lots.
  10. Train cars move more people than buses and buses more people than individual cars. And if the train or bus has an exclusive road or trackway, well then it moves faster. It is the consistency and the number that is important. To say self-driving cars will help seems to misdiagnose the problem. The problem isn't just that people don't want to psychically drive. It's that we have too many cars on the road.
  11. Is Kingwood that dense? It reminds me of an only slightly smaller version of those Chinese ghost cities within a city.
  12. I'll tell y'all something. I'm genuinely unsure what in the world is likely to be here. Is the Pierce Skypark the most likely event?
  13. I love this alligator conversation. Alligators aren't supposed to care for larger prey or prey foreign to their habits--humans are both. We all associate all crocodilia with saltwater or nile crocs which WILL KILL YOU.
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