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  1. Thanks for those reminders, Schwinn. For the detractors, it's not about what color glasses we need to wear to fondly recall the better parts of our childhood. Any good childhood is essentially one long reality-distortion field. Our one and only job was to see how long we could keep our backs turned to fate which had the rude job of tapping us on the shoulder at inconvenient times. I personally enjoy reconnecting with every positive memory I can recall from the ages of 3-8. After that, the power of my imagination to overcome the negative got compromised, so I tried less. Fortunately, I've reclaimed my imagination from the clutches of adulthood. According to my algorithm, it take 2.657 good memories to offset the average bad one. Hence, time travel to the good ol' days provides critical fodder in dealing with the injustices of poorly timed reality. Quod Erat Demonstrandum (thus it is proven)...or my QED wanna-be. REMINDER: Let's not poke holes in other people's reality-distortion fields just because we might want to get a higher price for our barely-used one on eBay.
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