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About Gaeshun

  • Birthday 09/17/1976

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  1. I have read everyone's ideas on this topic. It seems that no matter what direction Houston goes someone is going to be unhappy. We complain about Houston not being dense enough, now we development that is helping to increase population density in areas that were run down. Now people want us to preserve areas. It's as though we want our cake and eat it too! We need to understand that sometimes you have to give a little to to get alot. We should be happy to see areas of the city that are run down being redeveloped. Developers may not build your ideal House but it is ideal to someone. This city is filled with 2+ Million individuals. Remember that Houston has the ability to be all things to all people. If you want perservation move to the Heights, if you want urban move to the Med Center, if you want unique suburban move to the Woodlands. if you want quirky move to Montrose, if you want upscale move to River Oaks. People worry about too many things. Simply enjoy Houston for what it is. If you don't like move some where else. Also not to bash Dallas, but I lived there for 2 years and after coming back to Houston i realized that in Houston you can live in a different part of the city and feel as though you are in a diiferent city. In Dallas every thing feels the same. I wonder if zoning has anything to do with that.
  2. I agree I do like the that the second building will have underground parking...
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