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Everything posted by Utinga

  1. Dreams and love are just words - until you decide to experience them.

  2. Properly made, leftover chili gets better and better every day until the fourth day, at which point it begins its slow decline.

  3. If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?

  4. Remember the love note.

  5. Federal Appeals Court Rules California’s Ban on Gay Marriage is Unconstitutional.

  6. What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be.

  7. Never invite an activist and a comedian to the same dinner party.

  8. If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you're still in the damn tunnel.

  9. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way........Leo Tolstoy

  10. "Why can't you see?"

  11. Musicians Of The Year: R.E.M.

  12. Don't expect your love to be accepted. Love because it justifies your life.

  13. Don't explain. Your friends do not need it, and your enemies will not believe you

  14. Truth? A great Bostonian:"Newt Gingrich may be a hypocrite, but we're living in the Age of the Hypocrite. We have billionaires who justify the fleecing of the middle class with calls for shared sacrifice. We have presidential candidates who sign pledges to do the will of Grover Norquist rather than the will of the people who elect them. We have an endless parade of family-values-spouting, bible-thumping politicians who are caught with their pants down. Who better to reign over these times th...

  15. Age... What I have learned...People get better at the art of living.

  16. That was the shortest breakup in history.

  17. Quote of the day: “I permit them to dance, in fact I demand it!” -Janis Joplin

  18. "De-friending" is not something a man should worry himself about doing or being done to him

  19. Seventeen members of Michael Jackson's family were at the courtroom for the reading of the verdict. Where were these seventeen "family" members while Michael was sleeping with boys and morphing himself, over many years, into a white "transexual" or while he lay in his bed strung-out on drugs. Guilty! IMO.

  20. No matter how greasy the pizza is, you can't blot it with a paper towel and expect to be taken seriously.

  21. I have a rather sad Fiesta in my hood, good enough for staples, so I take the train to Wheeler Fiesta sometimes. I've not been to the one farther South. Is the selection that much better? The international selection is what I am most interested in.
  22. The purist, rawest joy I've ever experienced was when I had the honor to live in a small village called Boa Esperança (good hope) and gave the children one small gift, then to see the smile in their faces with the knowledge that they MATTERED! Clothing, simple to most of us, made those innocent children...... EQUAL! That joy can not be duplicated. Those smiling faces will be with me forever. I shall return, I promise me.

  23. iPod!........ "The average 12-year-old can hold in her hand more songs than my grandfather would have heard in his entire lifetime."

  24. Agree. But I still can't see enough similar. I've no idea though.
  25. The two look nothing alike. Was there an extensive remodel?
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