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    09/19/2019 04:30 PM

    BCO Orientation & QA Dinner 

    September 19, 2019 – 6:30 pm - 8 pm  

    Becks Prime, Memorial Park 

    1001 E Memorial Loop Dr  

    Houston, TX 77007 


    Are you new to BCO and curious to discover the ins and outs of what this social, outdoor activity group is about? Or, perhaps, you just need some tips on navigating the website, or you're still a little nervous about attending an event or outing alone. This event is designed specifically for YOU! 


    Just want to say hi? Do it! You'll meet folks in the same exact boat as you, and you'll learn a whole lot about the upcoming fun Bayou City Outdoors has coming your way. 


    Our calendar can be a little overwhelming with 80 to 100 events every month, so let us explain some of our favorites and tell you everything you need to know about being a BCO member. We'll fill you in on the perks, discounts, loaner gear, buddy program, website, RSVP system, tips and so much more. 


    We work hard to make this event a little more “formal” (if we could ever be accused of that) than our “Meet & Greets.” Time and size permitting, we will have a presentation, Q&A and social time, too. Some of our event Leaders will also be on hand to talk about their upcoming events! 


    Make new friends and learn about all the fun you're about to have in Houston and worldwide! Hiking, biking, traveling, kayaking, socializing and more! 


    Never been before??

    No worries!  More than half of the people going have never been before and many people show up by themselves.  So when you show up, if everyone looks like they have known each other for years.... Don’t worry.  They likely just met.  Look for the event leader and then them know it’s your first time and we’ll make sure to take care of you!


    Cost: The event is free; however, you will need to pay for any food you order. 


    Parking – Parking in front of Beck’s; we share a lot with the golf course. 


    RSVP at https://bit.ly/2ZKlrZN for additional information, please e-mail to info@bayoucityoutdoors.com   



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