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    07/27/2019 10:00 PM

    Brunch of Knots 
    July 28, 2019 - 12 pm - 3 pm
    What do you do if your shoe lace breaks on a hike?  Or you need to rig a rain fly between trees while camping? Or if you need a longer rope?
    And how many times have you tied a knot that you just couldn't get out?
    Skills in knot tying can come in handy during a variety of important activities, including boating, camping, kayaking, hiking, and knots are often useful for typical household functions.
    By better understanding some of the common knot types and their uses, you'll have more insights as the importance of knot tying; such as certain knots do better under tension than others. Because wouldn't it be nice to be able to actually get your knots out when you're done? 
    During brunch, we'll go through how to tie the most useful knots for outdoor activities with step by step instructions. At the end, we'll play a game to show off your new skill and there just might be a prize for the winner!
    Cost: The event is free; however, you will need to pay for any food you order.
    RSVP at https://htxoutdoors.com/events/brunch-of-knots-4/ For additional info call 210-504-8333 or e-mail info@htxoutdoors.com 
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