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    06/17/2019 04:30 PM

    BCO & HTXO Q&A Dinner - Take 2

    June 17, 2019 - 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

    Beck's Prime Memorial Park

    1001 East Memorial Loop Drive

    Houston, TX   77007

    Can’t make the first Q&A?  Join us for Take 2!

    New to BCO or HTXO and curious to discover the ins and outs of what our social, outdoor activity group is about? Perhaps, you're a little nervous about attending an outing alone.

    This event is designed specifically for YOU! Whatever your questions and reasons for attending, DO IT! You'll meet folks in the same exact boat as you, and you'll learn a whole lot about the upcoming fun Bayou City Outdoors and HTXoutdoors has coming your way.


    Our calendar can be a little overwhelming with 80 to 100 events every month, so let us explain some of our favorites, and tell you everything you need to know about being a BCO / HTXO member. We'll fill you in on the perks, discounts, loaner gear, buddy program, website, RSVP system, insider member tips and so much more.


    We work hard to make this event a little more “formal” (if we could ever be accused of that) than our “Meet & Greets.” We'll have a presentation, Q&A and social time, too. Some of our Event Leaders will also be on hand to talk about their upcoming events! Make new friends and learn about all the fun you're about to have in Houston and worldwide!


    Cost: The event is free; however, you will need to pay for any food you order.

    Parking – Parking in front of Beck’s; we share a lot with the golf course.


    RSVP at https://bit.ly/2FQlgDa for additional info, please e-mail to info@bayoucityoutdoors.com



    Get your copy of Houston A to Z while it lasts. You'll find 8 pages of the most cool and curious hidden gems of our city. It's everything you need to know to be a Houston aficionado, and it's completely FREE - today! http://bit.ly/2gCCaIy

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  2. 5

    06/17/2019 05:00 PM      07/17/2019 06:00 PM

    This event begins 06/17/2019 and repeats every 5 weeks on Monday and Wednesday until 07/16/2019

    Fit, Free & Fabulous - An Online Fitness Storm
    June 17 – July 17 , 2019 at 7:00 pm central
    You're smart, successful…and you let another week fly by without sticking to your promise to workout.  Ouch.
    Imagine if there was a way to finally kick your butt into gear that allowed you to get started around your schedule. And better still, a way that's absolutely free!
    Join us for the summer Fit, Free & Fabulous Fitness Storm, a four-week online course (you can do in your own time) for busy women that want to start working out and feeling good again. 
    Kelly Howard is leading this fitness storm.  Kelly is the creator of the Fit Is Freedom Formula and is on a mission to stop female entrepreneurs and professional women from working themselves into exhaustion and learn how to incorporate fitness and wellbeing into their lives.  Without your health, wealth doesn't mean anything!
    What's included:
    •    4 Weeks of coaching via Facebook Live – each week we'll take a page from the workbook and drill down to guide you in making the right decisions around exercises, your workout schedule, food and staying on track.  Work can be hard; your fitness should be simple.  If you can't make the live call, it will be recorded and available to you at any time.
    •    4 Weekly Q&A's – join us weekly for a live Q&A via Facebook where Kelly will be answering your questions and giving you tips to stay on track, focused and motivated.
    •    The Fit Is Freedom Formula Guidebook - Tired after a long day or a zombie in the morning?  You won't need to think, just do the super quick homework, including taking a few minutes to create your no-fluff schedule, and log what you achieve.
    •    Friends, accountability partners & action – No sweat.  Accountability stops you from HAVING to drag yourself off the couch every day. You've got a buddy, and they have your back.
    It's completely free, and we're there to support you 100% along the way.  Join in on the Summer Fit, Free & Fabulous 4-week fitness storm. There's nothing to lose but your lack of motivation! It's time to fit "Fit" into your life.
    Haven't registered yet?
    Never forget, your actions (or lack of action) say a lot about you. 
    Monday 6/17 kick-off evening - we'll go over the Workbook Guide, determine your fitness goals for the coaching, make introductions and kick-off the event 

    Mondays: 6/24, 7/1 and 7/8, 7/15 7:00 coaching call 1 hour
    Wednesdays 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17 Q&A hour.  Bring your questions or post them in the group and they will be answered live.
    Successful people understand their business is only as exceptional as they are. Where's your fit on a scale of 1 to 10?
    It's time to quit "sucking it in" IN selfies. 
    Join in HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fit-free-fabulous-fitness-storm-tickets-63109642640  and we'll send your workbook and your registration details.
    If you have any question, please write us to support@fitisfreedom.com

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